WB 2008 |
GEOGRAPHY, ECONOMY, POLITICS, HISTORY AND MUCH MORE ABOUT BRITAIN Those pages are to show you interesting faces of British people and their country. That's quite a specific nation and it can be quite pleasant to learn some interesting facts about its internal organisation, society and history. Te strony mają na celu pokazanie Ci interesujących zagadnień związanych z Brytyjczykami i ich krajem. Jest to bowiem całkiem specyficzny naród i poznanie kilku interesujących faktów z zakresu jego wewnętrznej organizacji, społeczeństwa i historii może być całkiem ciekawe. BASIC INFO ON UK will give you basic knowledge about what Great Britain is, about its economy and environment. RULE AND ADMINISTRATION will present you ways of governing in United Kingdom, with authorities, parties and organisations. INSIDE THE SOCIETY will answer for your question in case of familiar life, education and religion in UK.expressions much easier and professional. YESTERDAY BRITAIN will help you in understanding Britain with a focus on its great history through ages. |